Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to stop a child 2 yrs bite his nail fingures.Some say may be he calium problem.regards.?

q 2. I hear that o Group blood people have some restriction on certain type of foods vegetables fruits and nuts.

would appreciate if kindly give some information.


anwarHow to stop a child 2 yrs bite his nail fingures.Some say may be he calium problem.regards.?
Well the usual cause is calsium could prob put sum pungent oil in his hand so as to stop mostly would work cause i used to do tat wen i was young..How to stop a child 2 yrs bite his nail fingures.Some say may be he calium problem.regards.?
As far as your son's nail biting goes, you can get a special liquid from your Pediatrician that you put on the child's fingers that makes him not want to bite his nails. If you don't want to do that, bribery usually works wonders! But him a little ';treat'; that he can have at night after dinner, like a small toy or something he likes to eat. If he doesn't' bite his nails all day then he gets the treat. If he does bite, he doesn't get it and has to try again the next day. If this works, buy him an inexpensive toy (something he really likes) and put it up on a shelf and make him go 2 days without biting to get the toy. Sooner or later he'll forget all about the biting and will be more interested in playing with his new things.

As for Type ';O'; blood, my son and I are both ';O+'; and there is nothing we can't eat from any food group. Who ever gave you that information has mis-informed you. Good luck with your son!
Some kids just bite their nails.Its a habit like nose picking,hair twisting,thumb sucking.

Normally happens when they are tired,bored or worried.

You can buy a bitter tasting liquid to paint on nails which should stop it.
DEWORM?( i didnt no ppl could get worms)

put tape around all of his/her fingers

helped my lil sis stop sukin her thumb.
I am not 2 sure but I heard that it could be a sign of worms??? Maybe u can deworm him and see how it goes then....

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