Saturday, January 2, 2010

How to prevent nail problems?

How to prevent nail problems:鈥?/a>How to prevent nail problems?
In Chinese metaphysics studies like the theory of 5 elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal), nails are commonly associated with yin wood. Yin, the opposite of yang, is commonly known as the weaker side of a substance and its energy can akin to the feminine type: soft, weak and subtile.

Nail problems can be a result of lack of yin wood energies in the body. However nail problems can vary. If you are refering to cuticle problems or lack of growth of nails, you can try resolving this problem with a change of diet. Incorporate more green vegatables in your diet (green beans count too); eat more bamboo shoots; drink more sugar cane. These foods are commonly associated with yin wood.

You may find that nail problems tend to subside during the months of feb and march. Otherwise the problems tend to grow worse during the months of July, Sept, Oct and Jan. During these periods, again eat plenty of greens, drink more water, leave your nails alone to avoid heavy polishing and manicures.

This is just my personal opinion from Chinese metaphysics perspective. Hope it helps:)How to prevent nail problems?
You're not going to like this. Don't put anything on your nails that you wouldn't put on your face. Keep them cut short. If dryness is a problem, rub vaseline on them. Any kind of lotion is good for dryness too.
I think olive oil should work
i have da same problem but you can buy special nail spolish that strenghthens them myne are getting betetr!!!!!!!
  • whitening cream
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