Saturday, January 2, 2010

What can i do to make my nails grow b/c im premature and i have problems w/ nail growth?

how can i get my nails to grow faster?What can i do to make my nails grow b/c im premature and i have problems w/ nail growth?
You mean... you were a premature baby? Lol! What would that have to do with your nails? I mean unless you had hypothyroid maybe or a skin disorder... The only thing that is supposed to help (but honestly it doesn't do much) is biotin. Use moisturizer.What can i do to make my nails grow b/c im premature and i have problems w/ nail growth?
theres a few products out there but ive never gotten much luck using them, your best bet is to live healthy, your bones nails and teeth will reflect that. Calcium is what you need.
you need to get your nails to be strong. there is this clear nail polish that makes your nails harder. maybe if you use something like that then after a while your nails should grow.

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