Friday, January 15, 2010

I got a nail biting problem but i have tried everything to stop but it wont work. Any suggestions?

I bit my nails for almost 20 years. I finally stopped a year ago when I became engaged and got a diamond ring. I didn't want ugly hands with a pretty ring, so I quit. Maybe you could purchase a beautiful ring to encourage you to have pretty hands.I got a nail biting problem but i have tried everything to stop but it wont work. Any suggestions?
wear that special nailpolish that tastes like ****!I got a nail biting problem but i have tried everything to stop but it wont work. Any suggestions?
Buy the nail polish that has the bitter taste, and use it daily.
Go to Walmart or any retailer and purchases a small bottle of Sally Hansen Clear Advanced Hard as Nails and cover each finger nail, this will be clear and make your nails feel smooth so you will notice each time you start to bite them, I had the same problem and this works after about a week to 10 days you will notice the new nail growth.

Good Luck,
I bit my nails for 30 years and only one thing cured it. Choose a nail...say a pinky fingernail and let JUST that one grow. Bite all the rest but never that one. Once it has grown over the edge of your finger keep it filed and pretty. Then choose another nail and don't bite that one or the grown one. Keep doing this until there is only one nail that you bite and you will find it easy to give up biting that one when the others are so pretty. Trust me this works...and I tried everything before this including acupuncture, bad tasting things and acrylic nails. This is the only thing that nails are long and gorgeous now. Good luck!
OMG let me tell u I had that same prob i stopped it by making a new n unoticable habbit.
Get a regular manicure. This keeps them looking pretty and you wont want to bite them--------it will mess your pretty nails up.Or you could put hot sauce or something else that you don't like to taste on them!!!!
Try keeping busy and mayB u wont think about it.
wear gloves
When i bite my nails i am bored, so i fiddle my thumbs try it! Also try the Bite Me stuff i hear it REALLY works. Also try painting your nails alot so you won't want to mess up your polish if you get used to it being on. Also it's actually unhealthy to do it with the saliva on your cuticals, and if you drink water it helps them grow!! Hope this helps!!
Try not to look at your nails maybe thats why your biting your nails?
I had the same problem.I put my nails in vinigar for 5 minutes and once I got those nails into my mouth they tasted horrible.
Start wearing gloves. You can buy thin latex ones, or plastic grocery store ones. Just to get the idea of what you are doing, when you get that taste in your mouth. It will take some will-power, but you want to be in control of your life. Best wishes
well if you didn't know your nails are the most dirtiest thing on your body and it Carry's more germs than any part of your body Carry's and it can harm you if you continue to do it on in life but you can prevent that all you have to do is when you feel like you have to bite your nails go wash your hands really good and clean them with a tooth pic or something so you don't bite them because I'm sure you would`ent want to put your hands in your mouth just imagine every were you go you touch something and you know thousand of other people have touched it to and the germs they had put on there that you touched are now in your mouth so think about it
i suggest you go for manicure. when you see your nails been so nice tendency of you biting will decrease.
I got acrylic nails and that helped. When I got them removed, I didn't want to bite them anymore. For one thing, the acrylic was hard and it hurt my teeth, so it broke the habit on that end. For another, once the acrylic came off, the nails were sensitive and sore, and if anything touched them it hurt, so the biting was not a great idea. Once they strengthened up again, the habit was gone completely. Hope this helps.
Get your teeth pulled. Cant bite your nails with gums only.
nail polish, just by seeing the color reminded me to not bit mine, but i heard if u but hot sauce in the polish the taste will make u stop.
i used to bite my nails, but i'm now over it. i think i stopped because i started taking pride in them. i filed them, clipped any hangnails, and painted them on a regular basis to stop myself from biting. i never bit my nails when they looked good...only when the edges were ragged or uneven. so by eliminating the ugly nails, i had no urge to bite them in order to ';fix'; them. (because you can never get nails perfect with your teeth. you need a file. so id just bite at them until it hurt and i had to give up)
I used this stuff called No Bite, I'm not sure if you've tried it, but it's like nail polish, only it tastes horrible. If you've already tried that, then I'd say give yourself a reward, for example, a manicure, for each week that you don't bite your nails or something like that. Or try the buddy system thing, where one of your friends who also wants to kick the habit watches out to make sure that you don't bite your nails, and you make sure that she doesn't bite hers.

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