Friday, January 15, 2010

My nephew is 18 months old and has recently become very fussy eater,can any one help me nail down the problem

He started eating solids when he turned a year old.He is been doing fine until recently.My nephew is 18 months old and has recently become very fussy eater,can any one help me nail down the problem
Toddlers often exert their independence with one of the only things they can: What goes in their mouth. It is very , very common for toddlers to refuse foods they previously liked or refuse to try new things. They often favor one type of food like cheese, or chicken nuggets, etc.

The most important thing to NOT do is to force the foods or make this a big deal. When you do this,it only forces the child to retreat further. Offer the foods that the rest of the food is eating at regular meal times. Be sure that he isn't doing too much snacking or drinking throughout the day. Often times toddlers get fed so many snacks that they just aren't hungry at meal times. If the child refuses what you are eating, do not make him something special. This will reinforce the behaviour. I would simply wrap his plate in Saran wrap and put in the fridge. You can offer it to him again later.

A child will never starve himself. He will eat when he is hungry. Just be sure to limit the amount of choices he has. If you off him Pizza, Chicken nuggets or corn dogs, those are too many choices.

I hope this helps!

MissyMy nephew is 18 months old and has recently become very fussy eater,can any one help me nail down the problem
Just a few possibilities...

* teething

* ear infection

* struggle for independence (try finger foods and/or giving him a spoon)

* does he have a cold? My 18 month old son has a cold %26amp; is not eating much.
Why worry? It is not really your place. Let the parents nail down the problem if they think there is one.
Why are u asking this question??!! i'm sure if his parents were concerned they'll be on to it...Toddlers often become fussy eaters.. allow them to deal with it..
i actually just read an article on msn (it might have been in their health section or an article, i tried to find it, but no luck), about this issue because my cousin is a very picky eater, he's 5 now, but this started right before his 2nd birthday. the article said that babies don't have developed taste buds and therefore will eat almost anything, but around age 2-3, they start to develop more sensitive taste buds and can actually taste what they're eating. this is apparently normal for most children.

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