Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nail biting problems?

i bite my nails..

i have tried the bitter tasting nail polishes and they dont work for me

i really want to stop this habit

ive been thiking maybe arylic nails would help to stop cause i couldnt bite them?

is this a good idea?

any other ideas that could work?Nail biting problems?
Hi! I did a google search on ';nail biting solutions'; and found that the question had been asked here before! Someone was asking about their brothers nailbiting problem, and this is the best answer:

';Maybe look to address WHY he's chewing them. Is he nervous, anxious, etc? I chewed my nails like crazy for over 25 years. Not until I started taking Lexapro (an anti-depressant) did I stop.

Also, I remember that the initial feeling of them growing actually bothered me. I felt like I HAD to bite them.

You can just make sure to trim them and he won't bite them because they get jjagged.

Again, find out WHY. Good Luck!!';Nail biting problems?
I used to be a nail biter also. I had acrylic nails put on to help me get out of the bad habit. I kept them on for about a year and then took them off. I love how they look, but they are time consuming (getting them filled every week and a half) and bad for your nails. They make them thin and brittle. Be prepared for when you do take them off for your nails to look like hell for a few months or so. It did however help me break the habit of biting my nails. Plus think about all the nasty germs that can get up under there every time you go to put them in your mouth. You might as well go lick a public toilet seat! Nasty huh? Yeah....
Biting nails is a bad habbit, since you could easily get Pinworms (Don't know what Pinworms are? Click the link鈥?/a> )

But, if you need some help, I can offer you some advice. Put band aid on your nails and so you probably won't bite them again. Or, when you still feel the urge to bite, close your eyes and count. Then think of reasons why you shouldn't bite. It should repel you from biting for a while.

I hope this helps, and your bad habbit is gone, or reduced by even a little =)
i think that acrylic nails should be able to help you.. bc the acrylic is hard i dont think you can break it so easily you need some kind of remover to take the acrylic off.

i guess you tried everything and you still bite your nails. i used to bite my nails alot too. my family didnt like it when i bite my nails. my aunt used to put aloe vera on my nails its so bitter omg. but i still bite my nails. she even put hot sauce, hot sauce didnt help me stop biting my nails, anything i used i still bite them. then once i motivate myself not to bite my nails no more. and it actually worked. but then i cut the bad habit. now my nails is growing like crazy. you should get the habit of doing your nails. if you have patience maybe you can do your nails for yourself. i use the sally hansen grow nail polish.. you put it on your nails and it grows in 7 days or more. good luck...鈥?/a>
acrylics work really well. i've had them before and they are horrible tasting. and if you bite in your sleep you can wear gloves- strange, but it works. another thing is bright, like neon, nail polish. it tastes bad and it's more noticeable when you go to bite your nails.

good luck.
  • whitening cream
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