Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nail problem, how do i resolve?

As it is important to make sure your hands and nails are thoroughly clean whilst having wudu, i have stumbled across a slight problem.

Ok, a little shy about it but heh i need to know, i have some sort of infection in my nails, i suffer from a genetic disorder that sadly sometimes effects my nails and causes them to go brittle and get an infection underneath (kind of like a fungal infection)

Would this make my wudu invalid? or when i am praying should i cover my hands with gloves or something?

SalaamNail problem, how do i resolve?
Assalamu Alaikom

No sister, this will not invalidate your wudu this is beyond your control and in fact Allaah(swt) will reward you for your patience with this illness.

Do your wuduo as you would normally do it and May Allaah give you good health and long happy life.

Jz.Nail problem, how do i resolve?
no way. why would something naturally occuring make your wudu invalid? even if you had to put something gooey over top of it like a cream to make it go away, it still wouldnt invalidate your wudu even if that blocked the water from your nail, just for the fact that its medically necessary to treat an infection, and our bodies have a right over us.
this invalidates your fast, try not to fast until the problem goes and fast after Eid ul Fitr and make up for the days you missed
why would your god make it invalid, he created you and brang this disorder on to you, so he can't really say anything
Don't worry about it. It is a health thing. Just wash your hands normally.
only women with lose screws remain as muslims

  • whitening cream
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