Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nail problem...my fingernail split, down the middle.?

What can I do to prevent this or fix it.I've always had long healthy nails before this and I've been dealing with this close to a yr.I've tried cutting it down but it regrows back with the split.Nail problem...my fingernail split, down the middle.?
If the nail is snaggly and breaks too far down to trim off, here is what I do... Get some clear nail polish and white tissue paper... Paint on some polish, then put a small piece of tissue paper on that %26amp; then paint over the tissue paper with clear nail polish. It sort of creates a fake nail and makes it feel better %26amp; not snag on stuff. This really doesn't look horrible by itself, but you can put other nail polish on top of it. When you clean the old polish off, just be careful and keep doing the tissue paper thing again until the nail grows out. This has made me comfy when I had horrible nail accidents... Maybe also take some vitamins %26amp; eat some Jello to make the nails healthier... Good luck!Nail problem...my fingernail split, down the middle.?
Rub hand cream and nail oil in the cuticles and in the roots of the nails after every time you wash them. Moisturizing them makes them stronger and more flexible.

Use a buffer to get a shiny and a polished look instead of using a polish since the friction created by the buffer stimulates the nail growth while nail polish has a drying effect.

Onchorrhexis produces lines or striations in the nail plate. These lines are longitudinal, or in the direction of nail growth.

The cause of Onychorrhexis is not known. It is seen in people with vascular disease. Other chronic diseases, such as Psoriasis, Alopecia areata, Lichen planus and Darier's disease, can also be associated with this fingernail abnormality.

This might have to do with genes, because I have heard of some families who have a sixth toenail that they hav einherited and all it is is their nail was split down the middle. It is nothing to worry about.
Maybe its because the split was longer than you knew of and when you cut it off, there was still some splittage. If this keeps happening. I would get some specialists advice. Maybeget some nail hardener or something.
it has to be some kind of fugus. my husband gets that to they sell gel at walmart that is for nails and it works really well.
well go get a manicure first!

and cut it off

it will grow much faster

if you do and paint your nails more

sallys helps make it stronger and grow longer
Whenever I get a split nail, I put a couple of coats of nail glue on until it grows out.
i'd say it's one of two things. fungus or thin nails. 1st fungus cream(rx store) 2nd bag balm or udder cream( local grain and feed store).

theres cuticle creams at drug stores or try nail strengthening nail polish.
how did that happend?
ouch well first try to qet them hardened!! i thiink but im really not sure!
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