Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dog nail problem?

I have a jack russell terrier that we adopted about a year ago...

and he will NOT let anyone touch his nails! he won't let my uncle cut his nails.. so we have to take him to the vet to get them cut. even so, he has to wear a muzzle, you can hear him whining and yelping all the way from the waiting room and he pees and poops on the nurses! we dont have the money to take him there EVERY time he needs to get his nails cut! and he's starting to look like a sloth lol!Dog nail problem?
i had this prob with my 2nd german shep. what i did was everytime she let me touch her nails with my hand i gave her a snack. then gradually introduce the clippers to the nail but dont cut, and if she is calm, give her a treat. then when she is comfortable with you touching the nail with the clippers then slowly clip. each nail give her a treat. it does work. she must have had a bad experience before. you should constantly touch your dogs feet and ears to accustom them for vet visits.

plus it gets you close to your petDog nail problem?
If you can't afford to get his nails taken care of, give him back to the rescue.

Other than the Vet cutting your jack Russell terrier's nails, you can take him on long walks on the sidewalks or a non busy road side, very close to the curb. This way, his nails will be filed down with the hard and brittle surface of the sidewalk and street. If his nails grow too long, he will have trouble walking and it gets very painful for him to walk that way. =)
Try a groomer, they're cheaper and more experienced with doing nails.
Well OBVIOUSLY he had an abusive experience prior to your adopting him! Someone may have cut into him so deeply that he experienced a great deal of bleeding and pain. It's no wonder he may be scared to pieces. Try to have some compassion. And what do you mean you can ';hear him whining and yelping all the way from the waiting room...?'; Aren't you THERE in the room with him??!!!!

From now on, go with him. If he sees someone he knows that has never hurt him (face it, doctors and nurses have to do unpleasant things like give shots) it may reassure him. Why in heaven's name would you NOT go with him?!

And don't whine that you don't have enough money to take him. That is part of the responsibility of pet ownership. If you don't have enough money to properly care for your pet, then you don't have any right to have one. Animal Control agrees for when authorized they will take an animal away from an owner who is not providing proper care. Remember it is his RIGHT BY LAW to receive proper medical treatment. Overgrown nails can not only be uncomfortable, but painful, and they can catch on carpeting and tear.

www.carecredit.com or www.imom.org

There! Now you have no further excuses. Your pet will get the care he is entitled to, your vet will get paid, and you can make monthly payments.
Talk to your vet about getting a slight tranquilizer that you can give him when he needs his nails cut. You may still have to muzzle him, but at least then you can still have someone in your family cut them.

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