Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nail Problems!!!! HELP!?

OK long story short... ive bit my nails ever since i can remember and when i dont remember my mom told me i did. so as you can see its a bad habbit. im turning 14 soon and i dont want to anymore! ok so i thought it would work if i got acrilics, so i did, and i can say , it helped, but i still just PUT THEM IN MY MOUTH , so i decited it was time take the acrilics off so i did and i loved my nails they were super long! then since i loved them so much i would hate myself forever if i bit them off, so again what i did was put them in my mouth! i just kinda run my tooth under my nail and get out all the stuff(well i try to) iguess you can say..... um, and ive tried the gloves , ive tried nasty tasting stuff u put on ur nails , ive tried cuticle cream(cuz it tastes nasty) i just cannnnnot stop putting them in my mouth.!

got any tips??

plz helpNail Problems!!!! HELP!?
I have the same problem!!!! I never wan't to bite them but it's SO tempting!! What i would do is paint them your favorite color because you would'nt want to chip the color or put jalepano juice on them so if you try to bite them it will be really hot and you won't want to do it anymore. This 1 tip I'm going to give you might work but i'm not to sure it's what i do...bite on them but don't bite them completely of just kinda chew on them and if you accidentally bite one off just TRY to leave it alone and let it grow back out. Hope this helpedNail Problems!!!! HELP!?
umm...haha I would say paint them a really nice color, and personally I can't stand when nail polish is chipped, so knowing that chewing on them would chip the color I wouldn't touch them...or chew gum instead and keep it at the front of your mouth!
gURLLL? i kno girls need girls for these types of problems but guess what? im answering it for ya!gurl, dont worry, if you wanna bite, bite on!but if you wanna stop, when babies wanna stop usin there passifire, they put something very hot to stop them and give an alert to thebrain. do the same. it should work

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