Friday, January 15, 2010

Should I have any problems clipping my dogs nails?

I have a Lab with long nails and I have been told not to clip them myself, to take her to a vet. Is there something to be worried about when clipping dogs nails.

ThanksShould I have any problems clipping my dogs nails?
no, not at all. I clip both of my dogs toe nails but you have to be very careful. Only clip the dead parts. The farther back you get and the pinker the nail gets is where the veins are and the blood. If you clip to far back you'll hurt your dog and some say a dog can bleed to death from being cut to far back. You just have to use caution and know what your doing. If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself then go ahead and take your dog to the vet. Also, walking your dog and letting them run around on a hard surface like concrete will wear the nails down and keep them from over growing bewteen clippings.Should I have any problems clipping my dogs nails?
if ur dog has a dark coat GO 2 A VET! they have sensative skin under their nails like us and it hurts if u cut it. u need 2 cut it exact. but u should go 2 a vet anyway %26amp; ask. Hope i helped!!!
You have to be a little careful not cut into the quick. It's easy to see the quick with dogs that have light colored nails, but nearly impossible with dark nails. If you dogs has dark nails, just cut a little at a time. You're dog will flinch when you hit the quick. As long as you cut only a little at a time, you won't cut deep enough to cause any problems. Have some styptic powder and a wet q-tip on hand in case you accidently cut a little too deep and it starts to bleed. It's not a big deal as long as you clip a litte at a time. long as you don't cut the dog
always walk the dog on hard surfaces, if your worried about the nails getting to long file them with a nail file
No there isn't anything to worry about, I do it all the time. The only thing is that your dog may not like it an may try to bite your hane. Just be careful not to cut past the red part of the nail because your dog may bite you. Good Luck!!!
According to the vet I see, it is fine to cut all ';white'; nails, as long as you use a proper dog-nail cutter (which you should be able to purchase at a pet store). As a previous poster mentioned, you should be VERY careful not to cut the red/pink part - stay 1 mm away from them. For black nails, as you cannot see the red (and dangerous) part, you should take your dog to the vet. Or else leave them, or judge by the others as to what seems about right (but err on keeping them longer!).
If you've never done it before, I would say take her to the vet and have them show you how to do it.

It is pretty easy to do, but you have to be very careful not to cut them too short. If you do they will bleed and it will hurt, kind of like when you do the same to your nails.
If you've never done it or your dog's paws are sensitive, you should go to the vet first and have them show you.

But as I know, vets tend to be expensive so if you want to do it yourself to save a little, get a decent pair of clippers. The Guillitine (dont think i spelled that right) are harder to line up. They have a ring to stick the nail through and a blade cuts them. Avoid those. And as mentioned by others, you have to be careful of the quick. Yes, you can see it in white nails but in black nails its harder. Clip a little at a time and when you start to see a whitish circle in the center of the nail, stop. Its getting close to the quick.

Its good to have something prepared in case you do get the quick. They have products, like quickstop that are made for this. (its a powder) However, a bar of soap (pressed into the nail) works well too. I've even used all-porpose flour. lol.

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