Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toe and Toe nail problems?

About a month ago I stubbed my toe into someone's heel. The next week part of the nail came off (I assume that's were the most damage was done) which is on the left side. I thought nothing of it and the nail grew back into place, then a small part broke off again.

Now my main concern is this clear liquid coming out from under my nail. Sometimes it has some blood along with it, any pressure that goes against it cause a little pain. Anything I should be worried about or do?Toe and Toe nail problems?
Because you have a new nail it's going to be very soft hence this is why a small part has broken off. Its not going to help when you have shoes on as this is whats aggravating the area and your getting the fluid and blood. Its nothing serious so don't worry however try not wearing shoes when you don't have to and when you do just for the next few days put a dressing on it just to protect it. Don't leave it on all the time as this will make the nail even softer. Your toe nails suffer alot of trauma as they bump on the front of shoes and rub on the top when walking and people don't realise this. Unfortunately they are the most neglected part of the human body!

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