Friday, January 15, 2010

Toe seperating from the side of the nail what is the problem?

The big toe on my left foot is seperating off the nail on the left-hand side of the nail. At first I thought it might be from my shoes but I stopped wearing them and it seams to still be getting worse. The skin where it is seperating is getting hard and a slimy substance is comming out from between the skin and toe as well it is all swollen. Sounds like an infection but I have not done anything that could have gotten my toe infected. Does anyone know what the problem could be?

Thanks, BrettToe seperating from the side of the nail what is the problem?
It might be an ingrown best if you get it checked by a doctorToe seperating from the side of the nail what is the problem?
i dunno what it is, but i would go to the doctor... just in case it is an infection... you never know... the puss stuff coming out of it makes it sound like it is an infection to me...
if i was u id go to the doctor just to make sure its nothing serious

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