Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cockatiel/Budgie Nail Problems?


I have cockatiels and budgies and their nails are getting too long and too sharp! It is starting to hurt me, and I don't think they are enjoying it, either. But I have tried a few methods, but they don't work.

I can't use cement perches or sand paper. These things rub the feet raw, and hurt the feet. Plus sometimes the cement chips off and the bird may eat it, and the and paper isn't too good for their digestive system.

And my vet is closed on Sundays, and on Monday (Martin Luther King Day) and my mom is at work, my dad is at the store, and none of my siblings are old enough to drive a car, so I can't get them done at the vet's today.

And I don't want to do it myself because I am afraid they will bleed to death, even IF I use corn starch or flour. Yeah, I am really worrisome about my animals health and blood.

And I would get it done at a pet store soon, but I'm not too sure I can trust them. Some lady brought her bird to get it's wings clipped, and they did it wrong and there was blood all over the floor. So I'm not sure I can trust them.

Where can I get there nails done? Is it safe for me to bring them to our pet store?Cockatiel/Budgie Nail Problems?
I would get it done at a vet that works with birds. You could also get it done at a pet store but ask around and do reseach and see how experienced the person doing it is before you get it done. It's not a hard thing to do especially with a budgie but its better to be safe than sorry just in case something goes wrong.

Ps its great that you are so concerned and worrisome about you pets health, more people need to be like that. And its great that you don't use those perches, they can be very bad for their toesies!Cockatiel/Budgie Nail Problems?
Take them to the petshop and thay can cut them for you!
I used to go to my local pet store to get my budgies and finches toenails clipped. I found them to be very good at trimming nails. I do it myself now. Yes, it is safe to bring them to a petstore.

Also, a pumice perch is what is good for trimming birds' nails and they don't hurt the bird's feet.

Here is a link to where you can purchase them:

This is a description of a pumice perch:鈥?/a>
Hi Cockatiel! Yes it is safe to bring your birds to the pet store. When i first got my cockatiel they cut her nails. Not to short. They also cut her wings for me for free. You can trust the people at the pet store to clip your bird's nails. Just go to the pet store that has a lot of birds. The pet stores that don't really have many birds they don't do a very good job. They really don't have any experience with birds. Once I got my budgie's wing clipped at a pet store that had only 1 or 2 birds. They didn't do a very good job. My bird was bleeding! But shes ok now. And the people at the pet store were so lazy! They only cut one wing and they made it bleed and my bird could still fly! So go to a pet store with lots of birds.


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