Sunday, January 17, 2010

Does anyone have problems with ingrown-nails on your feet?

I am always having problems with ingrown nais on my big toe... I usually keep my toe nails quite short (almost non-existent since i have tiny feet) but every 2-3 months or so, my big toe starts hurting and then i see that the nail has grown inwards! Then the whole things start, i cut-pull it out, it becomes infected for a couple of weeks, maybe 1-2 months then its ok.... really weird!Does anyone have problems with ingrown-nails on your feet?
It's the way u r cutting ur toenails, round it of just a little little bit on each side where it is not ';squared off'; u know as if it were like a corner, cus when they start growing out again it is growing inward but if u round it off ..cut the corner edge to round it off. and don't cut them to short either meaning, down to skin.Does anyone have problems with ingrown-nails on your feet?
well first you may be keeping your nails too short because that is a common cause of ingrown nails. Also if it is a reoccurring problem always on the same toe, it maybe better just to have the whole nail removed.
To be honest. I used to get those when I was in high school. I would get a friend to stomp my foot. It hurt like a devil for a while, but by the end of the day it stopped and any infection went away quickly.
An ingrown toenail is incurvation or im-pingement of a nail border into its adjacent nail fold, causing pain.

Please see the web pages for more details on Ingrown nail.
i always had problems w ingrown toenails...n i think i still kinda do. i noticed my toenails grow kinda funny now. but anyway, when i was in middle school, wheneva id get one of em thangz, id have to go get em surgically removed by a podiatrist(ft doctor). sometimes u cant really get rid of em on ya own, and if it seems infected or bad enuf, consult a podiatrist. wut they gonna do is give Novocaine injections around da toe(it aint that painful. cavities hurt worse). and in about 5-10 mins, da toe will be numb. than the podiatrist gonna cut like a V-shape outta yo toenail (i neva saw the whole procedure, considerin i dnt wanna face da fact that somebody takin a instrument beyond mah own flesh) but iz completely PAINLESS! im tellin u i felt like a softy fo bein so sacred. the only thing is, the doctor gonna tell u to take da next day off to rest, and u gonna have to spend most of da time w yo ft propt up or sumthin to keep down da throbbin. it aint a big deal tho...n even tho i feel like i still got ingrown toenails, they aint that bad cuz i got them pretty much taken care of. if its bad enuf, go see a podiatrist!
I get ingrown nails and it's always my big toes, it never seems to bother me until I cut them, so I usually just file the nails down when they get long to avoid that throbbing pain...they say to cut the nail into a V shape but then that just looks funny lol. try to cut them straight across and maybe just file the corners.

hope this helps, they can be very painful I know

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