Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have two problems: nail biting and nose picking. can i kick both of them at the same time?

ok these are my two gross and very hard to kick problems %26gt;_%26lt;

nail biting- i always, ALWAYS bite my nails :O if im not doing that i am picking the dirt from under it with my teeth. yes, i know, disgusting. :P

nose picking- resently i have been picking my nose and/or rubbing it. i have a very itchy nose and for some reason, leads me to picking it :O

please, no obvious answers :DI have two problems: nail biting and nose picking. can i kick both of them at the same time?
Well, I got braces and now it's impossible for me to bite my nails, so now I just pick them off..but I've noticed I don't do it nearly as much if I have a small nail file with me just to buff off the uneven-ness of the nail..and when it was nice and neat i just wouldn't touch them anymore, so you might want to invest in a little 2 or 3 inch pocket file. Keep it in your wallet or something.

For the nose, maybe try carrying around klenexes and pick ir blow with those instead..that one's harder to halt than the nails. Otherwise rubbing it isn't bad as long as ya keep outta the inside. Maybe ask the doctor or google some ways to keep it from itching and see if anything helps.

Good luck!I have two problems: nail biting and nose picking. can i kick both of them at the same time?
Well, it worked for me: my mom went and wound tape around each of my fingertips so I couldn't see or bite the nails. That was for one day, and after that I never bit them again. And hey, if they're taped up, they'll be too bulky to scratch your nose with!

It really works because sure it was a little embarrassing, but mostly, it's because even if you take off the tape, if feels like you still have it on so it deters you even more.

Good luck! You can do it!

Most if it is mental. If you believe you can, you will. :)
buy dont bite it from your local cvs and put it on your nails. it will help because when you go to bite your nails it will leave a bad taste in your mouth. if you go to pick your nose itll smell bad.good luck.
fake nails. They stopped me from biting.
put hot sauce on your fingers. solve all problems.

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