Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nail polish problems...?

ok, so i work at a pizza place doing dishes and making pizza of course, and i love to wear nail polish to work and school, but never can!!! I use top coat then nail polish then Sally Hansen Hard As Nails, which has acrylic and nylon and my nail polish always peels off or chips off :( what can i do about this problem?

THanks!Nail polish problems...?
Your putting too much on so the undrelayer doesn't get to dry in time.

Put one colour on.

Then I'd personally wait at least 4-5 hours, just to be sure it is completelly dry

Then put a top coat, but a thin layer.

It shouldn't chip then.

I do this and mine lasts about a week+

Hope this helps.

Nail polish problems...?
you can get a coating in a beauty place it will keep it on longer it did me the world of good
i think u need 2 use nail hardener
Don't put too much nail varnish on or it never drys. And in between coats wait until it is completely dry. If that still doesn't work, use a stronger nail varnish.
Soak your nails in cold water for about 20 minutes after you've painted them,for chip-free nails.

Also,2 thin coats of nail polish is better than a single thick one.
Clean your nails really well before you start (with nailpolish remover, then rinse). Make sure they are totally dry.

Use 1 layer of good base coat, 2 thin layers of your nail color, and 1 layer of a good top coat. Make sure each layer is completely dry before you add the next. Use cold air or ice water to dry your nails when you are done, never use heat.
  • whitening cream
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