Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nail problems? (really bad)?

I have a horrible nail-biting problems! I just can't stop! the look awful and I take my vitamins daily to help them grow. I have tried the following:

Getting friends to slap my hand if they catch me, didn't work

sitting on them, nope

painting them, mom said no, ate 'em anyway

HELP ME!!! I am allowed to start dating soon, and I wanna look nice! I am 13Nail problems? (really bad)?
There is or used to be this nail polish it called no bite and it taste so nasty you don't want to bite your nails.Nail problems? (really bad)?
you should go to the salon and get acrylics. they work. so you cant bite them off. i had that same problem. and when i got them. i had them for 2 weeks. so when i took them off. my nails looks long and beautiful.
chew gum - dip them in something sour - get a manicure - get braces - talk a lot
They have a clear bitter polish that you could use that make your nails taste really nasty (that clears up the painting problem).

Or, you could put nail polish remover on them, which also tastes really nasty.

As for the growing part, see if your Mom will allow you to buy over the counter ';pre-natal'; vitamins. They are really for pregnant women, but help make your nails %26amp; hair grow %26amp; shine.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you find something that works for you. I am 26 %26amp; still haven't been able to break myself of biting my nails.
start chewing gum. if you are chewing gum you will not chew your nails. plus gum will make your breath fresh:)
i heard that if you put lemon or lime juice or something, the taste would be bad...that you wouldnt bite could try that....
Keep in mind that EVERYTHING you touch throughout the day is under your nails. When you poo %26amp; wipe, do you wash your hands WITH A NAIL BRUSH? Every doorknob, stair banister, desk, phone, computer, PERSON you touch has been touched by many many many other people that probably don't wash with a nailbrush after they poo either OR scoop their cats litterbox. All that stuff is under your nails.
I have a problem bitting my nails what i do is go to the nail salon and get them professionaly done because when they are professionaly done i don't want to bite them cause i don't want to mess them up and waste all my money
dip them in hot sauce...just don't rub your eyes might sound a little gross..but it really does help...

put garlic on them and when ever u try bitting them it would be nasty..and u wont!

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